import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from collections import namedtuple
from import Iterable
DemParams = namedtuple('DemParams',['Pa','Pz_a'])
TargetParams = namedtuple('TargetParams',['Py_az'])
FeatureParams = namedtuple('FeatureParams',['distfunc','theta'])
NoiseParams = namedtuple('NoiseParams',['noisefunc','theta'])
class Sampler():
base class for all samplers
def __init__(self,param_tuple):
self.params = self.ParamCreator(*param_tuple)
# def sample():
# '''
# '''
# return self.outputs
class Demographic(Sampler):
base class for sampling demographics (a= protected attribute,z = true target
ParamCreator = DemParams
def __init__(self,rho_a=.5,rho_z=.5):
P(A = 1) = rho_a
P(Z=1) = rho_z
default is independent sampling of a and z
Pa = [1-rho_a, rho_a]
self.A = [0, 1]
Pz = [1-rho_z, rho_z]
def sample(self,N):
Sample P(A,Z) = P(Z|A)P(A)
N : integer
number of samples to return
a_z_tuple : Tuple
a tuple of lenght 2 with elements a and z as column np arrays each
of length N
a = np.random.choice(self.A, p= self.params.Pa, size=N)
z = [np.random.choice([0,1], p= self.params.Pz_a[ai]) for ai in a]
return np.asarray(a).T,np.asarray(z).T
def get_rho_a(self):
get P(A=1)
rho_a : float
Probability of being in the disadvantaged group, A =1
return self.params.Pa[1]
def get_rho_z(self):
return P(Z=1|A)
rho_z : nparray of floats
probability of the favorable outcome(z =1) for A=0 and A=1 in that
return np.asarray(self.params.Pz_a)[:,1]
class DemographicIndependent(Demographic):
def __init__(self,rho_a=.2,rho_z=.1):
P(A = 1) = rho_a
P(Z=1) = rho_z
default is independent sampling of a and z
class Target(Sampler):
ParamCreator = TargetParams
def __init__(self,beta=0.05,N_a=2):
P(Y=Z|A,Z ) = P(Y=Z) = 1-beta
make errors with prob beta
beta =0, makes Y =Z
pyeqz = [1-beta,beta]
Py_az = [[pyeqz,pyeqz]]*N_a
def sample(self,a,z):
sample P(Y|A,Z) via P(Y=Z|A,Z)
a :
z :
beta : float
y = [np.random.choice([zi,1-zi],p= self.params.Py_az[ai][zi])
for ai,zi in zip(a,z)]
return np.asarray(y).T
class TargetDisadvantagedError(Target):
def __init__(self,beta=.1,N_a=2):
make errors with prob beta (advantaged, A=(N_a-1))
P(Y=Z|A=1,Z ) = P(Y=Z|A=1) = 1-beta
P(Y=Z|A=0,Z ) = P(Y=Z|A=0) = 1
pyeqz = [1-beta,beta]
Py_az = [[pyeqz, pyeqz]]*(N_a-1) + [[1, 0], [1, 0]]
class TargetTwoError(Target):
def __init__(self,beta=[0,.1]):
make errors with prob beta
P(Y=Z|A=1,Z ) = P(Y=Z|A=1) = 1-beta1
P(Y=Z|A=0,Z ) = P(Y=Z|A=0) = 1-beta0
pyz_a0 = [1-beta[0],beta[0]]
pyz_a1 = [1-beta[1],beta[1]]
Py_az = [[pyz_a0,pyz_a0],[pyz_a1,pyz_a1]]
class TargetAllAError(Target):
def __init__(self, beta=[0, .1]):
make errors with prob beta
P(Y=Z|A=1,Z ) = P(Y=Z|A=1) = 1-beta1
P(Y=Z|A=0,Z ) = P(Y=Z|A=0) = 1-beta0
# '''
# pyz_a0 = [1-beta[0], beta[0]]
# pyz_a1 = [1-beta[1], beta[1]]
Py_az = [[1-betaai, betaai]*2 for betaai in beta]
Sampler.__init__(self, (Py_az,))
class TargetFlipNegative(Target):
def __init__(self,beta=[0,.1]):
make errors with prob beta only for the Z=1 class
P(Y=Z|A=1,Z =1 ) = 1-beta[1]
P(Y=Z|A=0,Z = 1) = 1-beta[0]
P(Y=Z|Z =0) = 1
# pyz1_a0 = [1-beta[0],beta[0]]
# pyz1_a1 = [1-beta[1],beta[1]]
no_error = [1,0] # if z=0, P(Y=z) =1
Py_az = [[no_error, [1-betaai, betaai]] for betaai in beta]
class TargetFlipAllIndep(Target):
def __init__(self,beta=[[.05,.1],[.05,.1]]):
make errors with prob beta for all possible combinations of A,Z
P(Y=Z|A=1,Z =1 ) = 1- beta[1][1]
P(Y=Z|A=0,Z = 1) = 1- beta[0][1]
P(Y=Z|A=1,Z =0 ) = 1- beta[1][0]
P(Y=Z|A=0,Z = 0) = 1- beta[0][0]
Py_az = [[[1-b,b] for b in be] for be in beta]
mean_only_mvn = lambda mu :np.random.multivariate_normal(mu,np.eye(len(mu)))
class Feature(Sampler):
base class for all feature samplers: P(X|A,Z,Y) by default creates two
dimensional features with shared parameters across groups and good
separability of classes
dist : function handle
function to sample X|parameters where the paramters are dependend on
theta : list-like or list of tupples
params of dist, one per value of z,a, y
ParamCreator = FeatureParams
def __init__(self,dist= mean_only_mvn,mu = [[5,2],[2,5]],
param_tuple = None,N_a =2):
dist : function handle
function to sample X|parameters where the paramters are dependend on
Z,A,Y through theta default mean only multivariate_normal
mu : list like
parameters for dist, for each value of z, inner list can be tuple or list depending
on need of dist
N_a : int
number of values for A
# same mean for both values of y and a
if param_tuple:
# used by subclasses
# default params passed
# mu has diffs for Z=0,1; repeat for all A for all Y
N_y = len(mu) # |Y| = |Z| // z and y have sam enumber of values
theta = [[mu]*N_a]*N_y
def sample(self,a,z,y):
sample P(X|A,Z,Y) using distribution and parameters initialized for
each a,z,y. The vectors a,z,y must be the same shape
a : list-like length n
demographic variables
z : list like length n
true target
y : list-like length n
proxy target
x : list like, length n
featuers, same shape as a,z,y
if type(self.params.theta[0][0][0]) == tuple:
# if a tuple, then expand and pass 2 params
x = [self.params.distfunc(*self.params.theta[yi][ai][zi])
for ai,zi,yi in zip(a,z,y)]
x = [self.params.distfunc(self.params.theta[yi][ai][zi])
for ai,zi,yi in zip(a,z,y)]
return np.asarray(x)
mvn = lambda mu,var :np.random.multivariate_normal(mu,var*np.eye(len(mu)))
class FeatureSharedParam(Feature):
feature sampler with two total parameters and one parameter shared across Z (eg shared spread)
A and Y have no impact on X
def __init__(self, loc, spread, dist=mvn,N_a=2):
unique locations and shared spread for no impact of A or Y
dist : function handle
function to sample X|parameters where the paramters are dependend on
loc : list-like length |Z|
location parameter of dist, one per value of z
spread : scalar
shared spread parameter of dist
theta_z = [(li,spread) for li in loc]
theta = [[theta_z]*N_a]*len(loc)
class FeatureTwoParams(Feature):
feature sampler with two unique parameters per class
def __init__(self, loc, spread, dist=mvn,N_a=2):
unique locations and shared spread for z, no impact of a an y
dist : function handle
function to sample X|parameters where the paramters are dependend on
loc : list-like length |Z|
location parameter of dist, one per value of z
spread : list-like length |Z|
spread parameter of dist, one per value of z
theta_z = [(li, si) for li, si in zip(loc, spread)]
theta = [[theta_z]*N_a]*2
class FeaturePerGroupTwoParam(Feature):
feature sampler with two parameters that vary per group
def __init__(self,dist,loc,spread):
for feature bias where P(X|Z,Y, A=0) != P(X|Z,Y, A=1)
dist : function handle
function to sample X|parameters where the paramters are dependend on
loc : list-like length |Z| of list-like length |A|
location parameter of dist, one per value of z,a; for multivariate feature spaces
in genral the location paramters will each be a list of length = number of features
spread : list-like length |Z| of lists length |A|
spread parameter of dist, one per value of z,a
# '''
# print(len(loc), len(spread))
# print(len(loc[0]), len(spread[0]))
theta_za = [[(lii,sii) for lii,sii in zip(li,si)] for li,si in zip(loc,spread)]
# repeat so that features do not vary with Y
theta = [theta_za,theta_za]
# print(theta)
class FeaturePerGroupSharedParamWithinGroup(Feature):
def __init__(sel,dist,loc,spread):
for feature bias where P(X|Z,Y, A=0) != P(X|Z,Y, A=1) but one
parameter of dist is shared across groups, but unique per class
dist : function handle
function to sample X|parameters where the paramters are dependend on
loc : list-like length |Z| of lists length 2
location parameter of dist, one per value of z,a
spread : list-like length |Z|
spread parameter of dist, one per value of z
theta_za = [[(laizi,covzi) for laizi,covzi in zip(laiz,spread)] for laiz in loc]
# same for both values fo y
theta = [theta_za,theta_za]
class FeaturePerGroupSharedParamAcrossGroups(Feature):
def __init__(sel,dist,loc,spread):
for feature bias where P(X|Z,Y, A=0) != P(X|Z,Y, A=1) but one paramter
is shared across groups and classes
dist : function handle
function to sample X|parameters where the paramters are dependend on
loc : list-like length |Z| of lists length 2
location parameter of dist, one per value of z,a
spread : scalar
spread parameter of dist
theta_za = [[(laizi,spread) for laizi in laiz] for laiz in loc]
# same for both values fo y
theta = [theta_za,theta_za]
class FeatureMeasurementQualityProxy(Feature):
the measurement locations vary with the true target value z and the
measurements spread vary with the meaured target value y, allowing for error
to be present in both the features and the measurements. Also may vary with
the protected attribute
def __init__(self,dist,loc,spread):
loc : list-like
one location parameter value per (true value, protected attribute) pair
spread : list-like
one spread parameter value per (proxy value, protected attribute) pair
theta_yaz = [[[(lii,sii) for lii,sii in zip(li,si)]
for li in loc] for si in spread]
shape_spread_only_mvn = lambda x,cov: x + np.random.multivariate_normal([0]*len(x),cov*np.eye(len(x)))
class FeatureNoise(Sampler):
Base class for adding noise to features
ParamCreator = NoiseParams
def __init__(self, dist=shape_spread_only_mvn, sig=1.0, N_a=2):
if type(sig) ==float:
# constant noise
theta = [[[sig,sig]]*N_a]*2
# diff noise for protected attributes
theta = [[sigi,sigi] for sigi in sig]*2
def sample(self,a,z,y,x):
add noise to the features conditions on a,z,y
add a groupwise noise to the feature vectors than the other
x = [self.params.noisefunc(xi,self.params.theta[yi][ai][zi])
for xi,ai,zi,yi in zip(x,a,z,y)]
return np.asarray(x)
class FeatureNoiseReplace(FeatureNoise):
feature noise that replcaes some of the features with noise according to
mean and covariance attributes
def __init__(self,dist,mu = [0,0,0],cov = [[1,0,0],[0,1,0],[0,0,1]],d_shared=1):
for subspace bias
keep the same number of total features, replace some with noise, keep
d_shared in the middle valid for both groups; replace the first 1/2(ceiled)
of the remaining with noise for the disadvantaged group and the last portion
(floored) for the advantaged group
mu : List
noise mean, default [0, 0, 0]
cov: list
noise covariance matrix, default is identity in 3 dimensions
d_shared: int =1
number of shared features that are informative for both groups
d = len(mu)
d_adv_noise = int(np.floor((d-d_shared)/2)) # noise dims per row
d_dis_noise = int(np.ceil((d-d_shared)/2))
d_adv_signal = d_shared + d_dis_noise # total dims
d_dis_signal = d_shared + d_adv_noise
# d_noise = max(d_pad_a,d_pad_d)
# create masks to 0 out features or noise as appropriate for adding
adv_data_mask = np.asarray([1]*d_adv_signal + [0]*d_adv_noise)
adv_noise_mask = np.asarray([1-d for d in adv_data_mask])
dis_data_mask = np.asarray([0]*d_dis_noise + [1]*d_dis_signal)
dis_noise_mask = np.asarray([1-d for d in dis_data_mask])
theta_adv = (mu,cov,adv_data_mask,adv_noise_mask)
theta_dis = (mu,cov,dis_data_mask,dis_noise_mask)
theta_az = [[theta_adv,theta_adv],
noisefunc = lambda x,theta: self.noise_replace_func(x,*theta)
def noise_replace_func(self,x,mu,cov,data_mask,noise_mask):
# generate the noise
x = x*data_mask + self.params.distfunc(mu,cov)*noise_mask
return x
class FeatureNoiseShift(FeatureNoise):
TODO make work
def sample(a,z,y,x,dist,theta):
for subspace bias
keep d_shared in the middle aligned for both groups, with d total
informative features for each group by appending noise at the end fo the
feature vector for the advantaged group and prepending noise and moving the
first few features to the end for the disadvantaged group
d,N = x.shape
d_shared = theta[0]
d_noise = d-d_shared # noise dims per row
d_total = d + d_noise # total dims
# generate the noise
x_n = np.random.multivariate_normal([0]*d_noise,np.eye(d_noise),N)
# functions for combining noise and true vectors
x_a = {0: lambda x,n: np.concatenate((x[:d_noise],n)),
1: lambda x,n: np.concatenate((n, x[d_shared-1:d], x[:d_noise]))}
x = [x_a[a](x_zi,x_ni) for a,x_zi,x_ni in zip(a,x,x_n)]
x = np.asarray(x)
return x
# --------------------------------------------
# need to be incorporated
def feature_proxy(a,z,y,distfunc,theta):
some features are related to the ground truth and some are realated to the
theta :
loc = theta[0]
spread = theta [1]
x_signal = [distfunc(loc[z_i][a_i],spread[z_i][a_i]) for z_i,a_i in zip(z,a)]
x_signal = np.asarray(x_signal)
x_proxy = [distfunc(loc[y_i][a_i],spread[y_i][a_i]) for y_i,a_i in zip(y,a)]
x_proxy = np.asarray(x_proxy)
x = np.concatenate([x_signal,x_proxy])
return x