import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from aif360.datasets import StructuredDataset
from .bias_components import Demographic, Target, Feature, FeatureNoise
default_params = {'dem':None,}
class Population():
Object for describing a population so that sampling from the population
and biased samples are possible from a sampler type and parameter dictionary
def __init__(self, demographic_sampler= Demographic,
target_sampler = Target,
feature_sampler = Feature,
feature_noise_sampler = FeatureNoise, parameter_dictionary = {}):
initialize a population based on the way to sample from it. a population
object has properties that define the samplers for the demographic
variables (A,Z) the observed target (Y) and the features (X)
demographic_sampler : Demographic
a sampler that inherits from mlsim.Demographic
target_sampler : Target,
feature_sampler : Feature,
feature_noise_sampler : FeatureNoise,
parameter_dictionary : dictionary default empty
required_keys = ['dem','target','feat','featnoise']
#ensure required keys are set
for key in required_keys:
if not(key in parameter_dictionary.keys()):
parameter_dictionary[key]= None
dem_params = parameter_dictionary['dem']
target_params = parameter_dictionary['target']
feat_params = parameter_dictionary['feat']
featnoise_params = parameter_dictionary['featnoise']
# initialize objects for each, with parameters if provided
if dem_params:
self.demographic_sampler = demographic_sampler(*dem_params)
self.demographic_sampler = demographic_sampler()
if target_params:
self.target_sampler = target_sampler(*target_params)
self.target_sampler = target_sampler()
if feat_params:
self.feature_sampler = feature_sampler(*feat_params)
self.feature_sampler = feature_sampler()
if featnoise_params:
self.feature_noise_sampler = feature_noise_sampler(*featnoise_params)
self.feature_noise_sampler = feature_noise_sampler()
def sample(self, N,return_as = 'DataFrame'):
sample N members of the population, according to its underlying
N : int
number of samples
return_as : string, 'dataframe'
type to return as, can be pandas 'DataFrame' or IBM AIF360
a,z = self.demographic_sampler.sample(N)
y = self.target_sampler.sample(a,z)
x = self.feature_sampler.sample(a,z,y)
x = self.feature_noise_sampler.sample(a,z,y,x)
if return_as == 'DataFrame':
df = self.make_DataFrame(a,z,y,x)
elif return_as == 'structuredDataset':
df = self.make_StructuredDataset(a,z,y,x)
return df
def sample_unfavorable_outcomes(self,N,rho_z_scale):
sample so that the disadvantaged group (a=1) gets the favorable
outcome (y=1) less often based on the rho_z_scale
# get original demographic parameters
rho_z0 = self.demographic_sampler.get_rho_z()
rho_a = self.demographic_sampler.get_rho_a()
# scale rho_a
rho_z = [rho_z0[0],rho_z0[1]*rho_z_scale]
# sameple the demongraphic vars with the new sampler
self.unfavorable_dem = self.DemographicCorrelated(rho_a,rho_z)
a,z = self.unfavorable_dem.sample(N)
# sample the rest as usual
y = self.target_sampler.sample(a,z)
x = self.feature_sampler.sample(a,z,y)
x = self.feature_noise_sampler.sample(a,z,y,x)
return self.make_DataFrame(a,z,y,x)
def make_DataFrame(self,a,z,y,x):
combine into data frame with labels
a : list
# concatenate the data and p
azy = np.vstack([a,z,y]).T
data = np.concatenate([azy,x],axis=1)
labels =['a','z','y']
_,D = x.shape
labels.extend(['x'+str(i) for i in range(D)])
return pd.DataFrame(data=data, columns = labels)
def make_StructuredDataset(self,a,z,y,x):
Converts a dataframe created by one of the above functions into a dataset usable in IBM 360 package
df : pandas dataframe
label_names : optional, a list of strings describing each label
protected_attribute_names : optional, a list of strings describing
features corresponding to protected attributes
aif360.datasets.StructuredDataset containing the data with y as the target and a as protected attribute.
df = self.make_DataFrame(a,z,y,x)
return StructuredDataset(df, ['y'], ['a'])
def get_parameter_description(self):
Build a string output that describes this object
description : string
values of each parameter value grouped by sampler
description = ''
description += 'Demographic Parameters\n'
description += self.demographic_sampler.params.__str__()
description += '\nTarget Parameters \n'
description += self.target_sampler.params.__str__()
description += '\nFeature Parameters \n'
description += self.feature_sampler.params.__str__()
description += '\nFeature Noise Parameters \n'
description += self.feature_noise_sampler.params.__str__()
return description
class PopulationInstantiated(Population):
To instantiate with either default parameters or instantiated sampler objects
def __init__(self, demographic_sampler= Demographic(),
target_sampler = Target(),
feature_sampler = Feature(),
feature_noise_sampler = FeatureNoise()):
initialize a population based on the way to sample from it
population_sampler : function handle
function to sample from the distribution
self.demographic_sampler = demographic_sampler
self.target_sampler = target_sampler
self.feature_sampler = feature_sampler
self.feature_noise_sampler = feature_noise_sampler