
Professor Sarah Brown

Sarah M Brown is an Assistant Professor of Computer Science and director of the ML4STS Lab at the University of Rhode Island.

Surbhi Rathore

PhD student working on task level fairness and fair feature selection

Puja Ghosh

PhD Student working on task level fairness and bias modeling

Brendan Rice

Undergraduate Researcher, Project Credit working on developer tools for robust ML

Noah Vario

Undergraduate Comp Sci student interested in ML, Project Credit

Rohan Kelley

Undergraduate Researcher, Project Credit

Trevor Moy

Undergraduate Computer Science, Project Credit, interested in ML

Lani Jimenez

Undergraduate Researcher, Project Credit, Comp Sci student interested in ML


Dom Silva

Undergraduate Researcher, Project Credit

Emmely Trejo Alvarez

MS student working on explainations for fairness and tradeoffs between metrics

Chris DeMaria

Undergraduate Researcher, Project Credit

Marie Mellor

Undergraduate Researcher, Project Credit

Linda Tran

Undergraduate Researcher, LSAMP Scholar

Aiden Hill

Undergraduate Researcher

Justin Biancamano

Undergraduate Resarcher, Project Credit

Yemi Fasina

Undergraduate Researcher

Caroline Sadler

Undergraduate Researcher

CJ Morris

Undergraduate Researcher, Project Credit


Undergraduate Researcher, Project Credit

Patrick Dowd is an undergraduate student at the Univeristy of Rhode Island and a research assistant for Professor Brown for an open source fairness forensics software called Wiggum. As a research assistant Patrick’s main tasks included writing scripts to generate synthetic data to test source code with, record the results and report results to the team. He implemented and tested an accelerated version of the code devised by Shine Xu, a collaborator from University of Oklahoma. Additionally, Patrick updated the Wiggum repository infrastructure. These updates included adding a GitHub action for building the documentation and running the tests, creating a pipfile to manage the depencies, resolving dependencies/ security concerns and updating documentation for the project.

Jake Afonso

Undergraduate Researcher, 2021 URI Arts & Sciences Fellow, Project Credit

Wartih Balogun

Undergraduate Researcher, LSAMP Scholar

Brianna MacDonald

Undergraduate Researcher, Project Credit

Jacob Lussier

Undergraduate Researcher

Undergraduate Researcher, LSAMP Scholar

Jessia Dai

Undergraduate Researcher, Brown UTRA Award Recipient