Posted in 2020
Paper Accepted to NeurIPS Workshop on ML Retrospectives, Surveys, and Meta Analyses
- 03 November 2020
Our paper with Malik Boykin’s lab at Brown University, “Opportunities for a More Interdisciplinary Approach to Perceptions of Fairness in Machine Learning” has been accepted to the NeurIPS 2020 Workshop: ML Retrospectives, Surveys & Meta-Analyses.
The paper is on the workshop website
Paper Accepted to NeurIPS Workshop Dataset Curation and Security
- 02 November 2020
Kweku Kwekir-Aggrey’s paper “Measuring Bias with Wasserstein Distance” was accepted to the NeurIPS 2020 Workshop on Workshop on Dataset Curation and Security!
Paper Accepted to NeurIPS Workshop on Consequential Decisions in Dynamic Environments
- 31 October 2020
Jessica Dai’s paper “Label Bias, Label Shift: Fair Machine Learning with Unreliable Labels” was accepted to the NeurIPS 2020 Workshop on Consequential Decisions in Dynamic Environments! She will also present this work at the Women in Machine Learning Workshop.
Attending NSBE
- 19 August 2020
Professor Brown is attending the National Society of Black Engineers Conference this week. She is teaching a Data Carpentry Workshop in Python with other members of the Carpentries.